Wrongful Terminated during Pregnancy: Know your Rights

We all come to that point of life where it is time to start a family. Losing a job at that moment could be devastating; with the baby on the way, you will overthink every possible scenario of making enough money to provide for the baby. But what if you were fired for being pregnant (or planning to get pregnant)? If that is the case, you may have been wrongfully terminated, and have every right to seek justice. Here are the things you need to know, your legal rights, and how to use them for your own benefit. Pregnancy Discrimination – What Exactly Is it? If you are expecting a baby or already have one, your employer may decide to treat you differently. This is a typical illegal sex discrimination and many women all over the US are victims of pregnancy discrimination every day. Unfortunately, the law does not give pregnant women any special rights; however, it protects them from any illegal actions performed by their employers. If you are treated differently due to ...