Which Points Of “Assembly Bill 5” Affect Employment Law?

When an employer uses an independent contractor or freelancer, they can get away with not paying things like unemployment insurance, minimum wage, overtime, benefits, and more. The bill codified into law a recent state Supreme Court decision that better defines when an employer can classify a worker as a contractor as opposed to an employee. This boils down to three points: The worker is free from the control of the person who hires them. They can complete the task however they see fit. The worker performs work that is outside of the employer’s usual means of daily operation. The worker is usually engaged in an established trade, or occupation of the same nature as the work performed for the hiring entity. If you are having trouble getting your employer to pay a fair wage or pay you overtime for hours worked during the week, you need to seek legal assistance. Wage fraud is a big deal, and the knowledgeable and experienced team at The Kaufman Law Firm is here to ...