Are You Fired for Speaking against Sexual Harassment on Workplace?

Delicate conversations within the office are a common thing. Sometimes, these harmless conversations may turn into something greater. It is a thin line between a joke between colleagues and sexual harassment at the workplace.

Have you witnessed one of your colleagues being sexually harassed at the workplace? Have you talked to your employer or someone else about it?

After speaking up, you may end up getting yourself in trouble, or even lose your job. When this happens, you have the right to sue your employer for retaliation. Here’s what you should do if you got fired after speaking against sexual harassment at the workplace.

Learn your Rights

The first thing you should do when you see (or witness) sexual harassment at work contact the victim first, then speak with your employer. That is of course if you want to get involved. If you feel the urge to make this world a better place or help a colleague out, you should speak with your employer and ask them to stop doing it. But what if that gets you fired?

In that case, you have the right to an attorney. Speak with our Sexual Harassment Attorneys in Los Angeles and let them advise you on what to do next. Surely you can file a lawsuit against your employer for terminating you for the wrong reasons. But what if you can file more than one lawsuit?

Let our attorneys advise you and provide you with legal counsel. If you decide to pursue the matter, you will have their full support and backup.

Did you use the “Wrong” Tone?

When addressing your employer at work, you have to know the difference between an employer and the employee. You are the latter, and as such, you should probably watch your tone and language when talking to your superior/s. Perhaps you were fired for over-stepping or saying something you shouldn’t have, or perhaps your employer didn’t like your tone and the way you said things. Maybe you were not fired for speaking against sexual harassment at your workplace.

You have to check all the facts and find the true reasons for you getting fired. Accusing your employer of something he/she hasn’t done may backfire on you. This is one of the reasons why you should consult with Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorneys before you decide to make a move. Once you are sure that you were wrongfully fired, our attorneys will help you file a lawsuit against your employer.

Has your Employer Threatened you?

There are cases where employers tend to threaten their employees with additional retaliation or “blacklisting” them from employment. If this happened, you have to consult with an attorney and see what the best course of action is. If you have any evidence of those threats or an eyewitness to prove them, you can use that against your employer in the court of law.

Don’t face your employer alone. Balance the scales of power by hiring an experienced and resourceful attorney to your side. Don’t become yet another victim of wrongful termination. Give us a call, and we will help you do something about it.


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