Some Risks during Wrongful Termination as an Employee

There are hundreds of firings throughout California every day. And while most of those firings are by the book, there are some exceptions where a person was fired for the “wrong reasons”. This is called wrongful termination, and once it happens, the fired individual may seek compensation and file a wrongful termination claim.

Wrongful Termination Attorney

Did you know that 7 out of 10 claims are successful? What happens to those 3 claims that are unsuccessful, and what lead to their demise? In most cases, employees don’t pay attention to the risks of losing a case. And those risks may cost you more than you can afford. Listed below are some of them, and ways to avoid them.

Were You Really Wrongfully Terminated?

The most important thing about your wrongful termination case is actually proving that you were terminated for the wrong reasons. Fail to do prove it, and you may end up being sued by your employer or the company you used to work for. Not every employee who failed to prove that the termination was wrongful is being sued by the employer. However, a lot of employees end up having to pay for their attorney’s fees and other court fees. And without a job, this is more difficult than it sounds. In reality, every dollar counts, and when you have only a certain amount of money in your wallet, you don’t want to be spending it on the fees.

Our skilled and seasoned wrongful termination lawyers in Los Angeles California suggest that you collect as much evidence as possible before deciding to file a wrongful termination claim. They also advise you to seek consultation before doing anything else, just to confirm whether or not you have a case in hand. Consultations are free, so feel free to give us a call any time you are available.

Black-Listed For Life

Another risk most employees neglect is the fact that a lot of employers throughout California have some sort of “connection”. To protect themselves from employees who are known to seek justice and compensation, they simply “blacklist” those employees and share their credentials with other employers. You will find it hard to get a job once you are put on that list. Think twice before you decide to sue your employer and seek compensation, as it may backfire on you. Consult with an attorney before you make any decisions.

Don’t Relly on The Money

Even if you have a case in hand, don’t make plans on how you are going to spend the money. In California, an average wrongful termination case takes up to 2 years to settle. For someone who is currently unemployed, you should seek another job and start earning income again. If you make plans for the money you are going to receive, you may end up spending it in advance or taking unnecessary loans or debts. Before you know it, you will be overwhelmed with debt and by the time you receive your compensation, you won’t be left with anything.

Speak with Wrongful Termination Attorneys in Los Angeles today, and let them help you decide whether or not you were wrongfully terminated. Don’t reject help; embrace it instead, and use their experience to your own benefits.


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