Some Misconceptions about Wrongful Termination

After getting terminated for the wrong reasons, many people simply move on and try and find another job. Those few who decide to make a stand and file a claim can get rewarded for their bravery.

Filing a wrongful termination claim is something every employee should do if they believe that they were terminated for the wrong reasons. However, there are a few misconceptions about wrongful termination. Here is everything you need to know, and a few typical situations and misconceptions that you should be aware of.

Seeking Justice

Every attorney will tell you that the most common reason people provide for filing a wrongful termination claim is “seeking justice”. However, this is where they are wrong. The employer will most likely never apologize, nor will he or she change their work practices. The court cannot make your employer do anything. However, they can “punish” the employer with monetary compensation. That means that at the end of the day, you are in it for the money, not justice. There is no justice in taking money from your employer. There is only compensation for terminating you in the wrong way.

With that in mind, you should try and act like it. Do not get any wrong ideas that you are in it for “justice”, but instead, face the fact that you are waiting to get compensated for being wrongfully terminated.

Bad Publicity

Most people believe that their employers will try and settle quickly when threatened with a wrongful termination claim because they are afraid of bad publicity. In reality, these employers do not care about publicity or threats. They will simply ignore you, threaten you back or try and intimidate you.

Los Angeles Wrongful Termination Lawyers advise you to take a different approach and avoid any threats or anything that could jeopardize your claim. Instead, be smart and do things the right way; consult with our attorneys, see what your legal options are, and act accordingly. If you are willing to file a wrongful termination claim, our attorneys will help you file one and protect your rights in the process.

Be sure to give us a call as soon as you get terminated, even if your termination looks justified. Until one of our experts evaluates your case, you will not know your options. For that reason, call today to find out (the initial consultation is completely free of charge).

People Can Be Fired For No Reason

Even though most employers have the power, that does not mean that they have the right to abuse it. Firing an employee “for no reason” is not something that happens that often. Usually, the employer needs a reason to terminate the employee. That reason has to be a good one, like misconduct, being late for work, not motivated enough to work, doing a poor job.

If you get terminated “for no reason”, you should consult with Wrongful Termination Attorneys in Los Angeles. You may be a victim of wrongful termination, and if proven so, you may be eligible to receive monetary compensation. Reach out to us and we will help you determine whether or not you have a claim in hand.


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